发布时间:2014-06-02 浏览次数:3688
朱玮 副教授









200811~20108月,博士后研究员,德国麦克斯普朗克人类发展研究所,适应行为与认知中心(Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany)。

200411~200810月,城市规划博士,荷兰艾茵霍芬科技大学,建筑、营造与规划系(Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)。



















朱玮商业步行街空间结构与消费者行为研究——以上海南京东路为例[M]. 上海同济大学出版社, 2012.

赵倩,王德,朱玮基于叙述性偏好法的城市居住环境质量评价分析[J]. 地理科学. 2013, 33(1): 8-15.

吴德刚,朱玮,王德荷兰兰斯塔德地区的规划历程及启示[J]. 现代城市研究. 2013(1): 39-46.

王德,李光德,朱玮,等苏州观前商业街区消费者行为模型建构与应用[J]. 城市规划. 2013, 37(9): 28-33.

朱玮,庞宇琦,王德自行车出行行为和决策研究进展国际城市规划,2013 (1): 50-55

朱玮,庞宇琦,王德,余雄伟上海市闵行区公共自行车出行特征研究上海城市规划,2012 (6): 102-107.

赵倩,王德,朱玮上海市杨浦区的生活空间质量评价研究上海城市规划,2012 (6): 90-95.

朱玮庞宇琦王德公共自行车系统影响下居民出行的变化与机制研究——以上海闵行区为例[J].城市规划学刊, 2012(5):76-81.

蔡嘉璐王德朱玮南京东路商业步行街消费者行为变化研究——2001年与2007年的比较[J]. 人文地理, 2012,26(6):89-97.

Zhu W. Pedestrians Decision of Shopping Duration with the Influence of Walking Direction Choice[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2011,137(3):305-310. (SCI-E/SSCI/EI)

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modeling Pedestrian Shopping Behavior Using Principles of Bounded Rationality: Model Comparison and Validation[J]. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2011,13(2):101-126. (SSCI)

朱玮,王德基于多代理人的零售业空间结构模拟[J]. 地理学报, 2011,66(6):796-804.

王德,许尊朱玮上海市郊区居民商业设施使用特征及规划应对——以莘庄地区为例[J]. 城市规划学刊, 2011(5):80-86.

王德,农耘之朱玮王府井大街的消费者行为与商业空间结构研究[J]. 城市规划, 2011(7):43-48.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modeling simplifying information processing strategies in conjoint experiments[J]. Transportation Research Part B, 2010,44(6):764-780. (SCI/SSCI/EI)

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Cognitive Process Model of Individual Choice Behavior Incorporating Principles of Bounded Rationality and Heterogeneous Decision Heuristics[J]. Environment and Planning B, 2010,37(1):59-74. (SSCI)

朱玮王德商业空间消费者行为研究的模型方法综述[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010,29(12):1470-1478.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modelling Pedestrian Shopping Duration Decisions: A Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Compensatory, and Conjunctive Non-Compensatory Specifications [J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2009,16(3):227-231.

朱玮王德, Timmermans Harry. 多代理人系统在商业街消费者行为模拟中的应用——以上海南京东路为例[J]. 地理学报, 2009,64(4):445-455.

王德朱玮黄万枢基于人流分析的上海世博会规划方案评价与调整[J]. 城市规划, 2009,33(8).

<, SPAN style=mso-bookmark: _nebAD740FBC_C7F5_42D2_8069_1AD305786F54>Zhu W, Timmermans H. Cut-off models for the go-home decision of pedestrians in shopping streets[J]. Environment and Planning B, 2008,35(2):248-260. (SSCI)

朱玮王德南京东路消费者的空间选择行为与回游轨迹[J]. 城市规划, 2008,32(3):33-40.

朱玮王德王府井大街消费者行为的时空特征研究——步行网格方法的应用[J]. 城市规划, 2007,31(2):62-69.

Zhu W, Timmermans H, Wang D. Temporal variation in consumer spatial behavior in shopping streets[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2006,132(3):166-171. (SCI-E/SSCI/EI)

朱玮王德齐藤参郎南京东路消费者的回游消费行为研究[J]. 城市规划, 2006,30(2):9-17.

王德马力朱玮. 2010年上海世博会场内人流模拟分析[J]. 城市规划学刊, 2006(3):58-63.

朱玮王德齐藤参郎南京东路消费者的入口消费行为研究[J]. 城市规划, 2005,29(5):14-21.

王德朱玮黄万枢南京东路消费行为的空间特征分析[J]. 城市规划汇刊, 2004(1):31-36.

朱玮区域DNA[J]. 国外城市规划, 2003,18(5):3-8.

王德叶晖朱玮南京东路消费者行为基本分析[J]. 城市规划汇刊, 2003(2):56-61.

朱玮王德大尺度城市模型与城市规划[J]. 城市规划, 2003,27(5):47-54.

朱玮王德从最佳规模到有效规模[J]. 城市规划, 2003,27(3):91-96.

王德朱玮叶晖. 1985-2000年我国人口迁移对区域经济差异的均衡作用研究[J]. 人口与经济, 2003(6):1-9.



童明,杨贵庆,朱玮城市认知、城市研究与城市设计:基于2011年联合毕业设计的思考[M]. 基于工业遗产保护的滨水区域城市设计:2011年城市规划专业联合毕业设计同济大学建筑与城市规划学院-重庆大学建筑城规学院中国建筑工业出版社, 2011, 1-5.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Bounded Rationality Choice Model incorporating Attribute Threshold, Mental Effort and Risk Attitude: Illustration to Pedestrian Walking Direction Choice Decision in Shopping Streets[M]//Klingsch W W F, Rogsch C, Schadschneider A, et al. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modeling and Simulating Pedestrian Shopping Behavior Based on Principles of Bounded Rationality[M]//Timmermans H. Pedestrian Behavior: Models, Data Collection and Application. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2009.

De Wang, Ma L, Zhu W. Visitors Behavior in World Expo 2010 Shanghai: An Application of Discrete Choice Models and Web-Based Survey[M]//Timmermans H. Pedestrian Behavior: Models, Data Collection and Application. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2009.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Exploring pedestrian shopping decision processes: an application of gene expression programming[M]//Waldau N, Gattermann P, Knoflacher H, et al. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005. Vienna, Austria: Springer, 2007.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Exploring Heuristics Underlying Pedestrian Shopping Decision Processes[M]//Van Leeuwen J P, Timmermans H J P. Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning. Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Springer, 2006.

王德朱玮马力. 2010年上海世博会设计方案场内人流模拟及其分析[M]//城市规划面对面西安:中国城市规划学会, 2005.





何京洋朱玮法国智能化公共自行车系统的发展和经验: 2013年国际城市规划学术委员会及《国际城市规划》杂志编委会年会武汉, 2013[C].

王德王灿朱玮. 2014年青岛世界园艺博览会参观者行为模拟分析: 2013年国际城市规划学术委员会及《国际城市规划》杂志编委会年会武汉, 2013[C].

朱玮王德王灿多代理人模拟技术在大兴展会规划及管理中的应用:以青岛2014世界园艺博览会为例: 2013年国际城市规划学术委员会及《国际城市规划》杂志编委会年会武汉, 2013[C].

ZHU W. Developing Planning Students’ Creativity by Teaching Multi-agent Simulation: The 1st International Symposium on Pedagogical Research, Shanghai, 2013[C]. Tongji University: 333-336.

朱玮. 2014年青岛世界园艺博览会园区交通仿真与优化环境友好型交通规划管理和政策研究国际研讨会大连理工大学交通运输学院邀请报告,2013.

朱玮发挥学生创造力的平台:城市系统分析之多代理人模拟教学探索[Z]. 2013全国高等学校城乡规划学科专业指导委员会年会,2013,哈尔滨: 305-314.

Wei Zhu. Developing Planning Students’ Creativity by Teaching Multi-agent Simulation. Presented at Joint AESOP-ACSP Congress 2013, Dublin.

Wei Zhu, Yuqi Pang, De Wang, Harry Timmermans. Travel Behavior Change after the Introduction of Public Bicycle Systems: Case Study in Minhang District, Shanghai. The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013, Washington DC. Paper-No. 13-0764.

朱玮王德庞宇琦从向公共自行车的转换衡量出行质量的提升——以上海闵行区为例国外城市规划学会2012年会杭州, 2012[C].

赵倩王德朱玮城市生活空间质量评价——以上海市杨浦区为例国外城市规划学会2012年会杭州, 2012[C].

卢银桃王德朱玮基于日常服务设施步行者使用特征的社区可步行性评价研究国外城市规划学会2012年会杭州, 2012[C].

吴祖泉王德朱玮基于案例研究法的上海农民工的就业变迁及城市化过程考察国外城市规划学会2012年会杭州, 2012[C].

朱玮庞宇琦王德. Travel Behavior Change after the Introduction of Public Bicycle Systems: Case Study in Minhang District, Shanghai: The 10th International Symposium on Environment and Behavior Studies, EBRA 2012, 长沙, 2012[C].

朱玮庞宇琦王德公共自行车系统对居民出行行为的影响——以上海闵行区为例城市化动态、问题与治理国际会议上海, 2012 (口头发表).

潘晖婧王德朱玮基于路径选择行为的自行车出行环境研究城市化动态、问题与治理国际会议,上海, 2012 (口头发表).

朱玮,王德庞宇琦潘晖婧公共自行车系统对出行行为的影响——现状与未来:时空行为与智慧出行国际研讨会北京, 2012 (口头发表).

Wei Zhu, Yiqi Pang, De Wang. Travel behavior change after the introduction of public bicycle systems: case study in Minhang District, Shanghai: 2nd International Conference on Spatial and Social Transformation in Urban China, 香港, 2012 (口头发表).

Huijing Pan, De Wang, Wei Zhu. A study on the bicycle travel environments based on the cyclingroute choice behavior, 2nd International Conference on Spatial and Social Transformation in Urban China, 香港, 2012 (口头发表).

Zhu W. Indifference Can Make a Difference: An Empirical Test of Decision Criteria in Choice Modeling: The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2011[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Decision Process Models of Pedestrian Waling Direction Choice: The 3rd Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, Tempe, US, 2010[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. A Decision Making Model Incorporating Choice of Decision Criteria: The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2010[C].

Zhu W, Katsikopoulos K V. An Econometric Model for Estimating Decision Rules, Choice of Rules and Influence of Consistency: The 2009 Joint Conference of International Association for Research in Economic Psychology and Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Halifax, Canada, 2009[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modeling Simplifying Information Processing Strategies in Conjoint Experiments: The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2009[C]. TRB.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. A Heterogeneous Process Model of Endogenous Route Choice Behavior Incorporating Mental Effort, Risk Perception and Decision Uncertainty: The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, 2009[C]. TRB.

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Bounded Rationality Cognitive Process Model of Individual Choice Behavior Incorporating Heterogeneous Choice Heuristics, Mental Effort and Risk Attitude: Illustration to Pedestrian Go-Home Decisions: The 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2008[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Pedestrian simulation model based on principles of bounded rationality: results of validation tests: The 13th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2008[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modelling Pedestrian Shopping Duration Decisions: A Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Compensatory, and Conjunctive Non-Compensatory Specifications: The 10th TRAIL Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2008[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Incorporating Principles of Bounded Rationality into Models of Pedestrian Shopping Behavior: The 9th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Leende, The Netherlands, 2008[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Modeling Pedestrian Shopping Behavior Using Principles of Bounded Rationality: Framework, Empirical Results, and A Validation: The 15th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia, 2008[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Bounded Rationality and Pedestrian Shopping Behavior: The 14th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, San Francisco, USA, 2007[C].

Zhu W, Timmermans H. Decide by Satisficing: A Model of Pdestrian Walking Direction Choice: The 13th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Budapest, Hungary, 2006[C].

Zhu W, Wang D, Timmermans H J P. Similarities and Differences in Pedestrian Shopping Behavior in Emerging Chinese Metropolises: 12th Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Orlando, USA, 2005[C]. EIRASS.

朱玮王德南京东路消费者的空间选择行为与回游轨迹: 6th International Symposium for Environment-Behavior Studies, 天津, 2004[C].




















Outstanding Reviewer 2012, American Society of Civil Engineers.







2008年度埃茵霍芬科技大学优秀博士毕业生(cum laude)。